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Wrapper allow TempusServa installations to wrap itself in content from other sites.

You provide an URL for page you want to look like, and the server will download and rewrite the contents in the page. The method is however not flawless, and some sites due to poor design or security restrictions cannot be mimicked at all. Normally the contens will get refreshed on fixed schedule, but in some instances it will be required to do some manual tweaking of the code afterwards.

Setting up af wrapper

  1. Add a new Wrapper
  2. Insert URL of the page
  3. Insert HTML tag where output should begin
    1. Display the source of the page in another browser
    2. Note at which tag the dynmaic content starts
    3. Optionally provide an end tag to
  4. Optionally insert extra code before and after the content
  5. Test the page
  6. Change the defaultWrapperID in the configurations

Troubleshooting tips

  • Check stylesheets for local references (TS will only collect the main page)
  • Disable any <form> tags in the page